NPR’s 100 Best Science Fiction & Fantasy Book List

After 5,000 online nominations, 60,000 votes and parsing by some of the genre’s brightest and most knowledgeable critics and scholars, NPR has published its list of the 100 most vote-gettingest SFF books that a bunch of web-surfers can remember. I have been awaiting this list since I first heard about it a few weeks ago. NPR has a lot of credibility, as

Posted at 7pm on 08/12/11 | 3 comments | Filed Under: Articles read on

Dune Encyclopedia, The, by McNelly, Willis

Before his death from cancer in 1986 Herbert wrote six Dune novels and one short story, and although he was the the real brains behind the Dune universe, he was not the only published author who wrote in it. In 1984 Willis McNelly – a notable educator as well as Herbert's patron – published the Dune Encyclopedia, a compilation of Dune-inspired stories and articles

Posted at 1pm on 07/31/11 | 2 comments | Filed Under: Reviews read on