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Fruit tree nitrogen fertilizer is not the right practice

First, ammonium nitrate cannot be applied. When the fruit tree grows, it is easy to absorb the nitrate nitrogen fertilizer. If the ammonium nitrate fertilizer is applied, the nitrate ions absorbed by the fruit trees are excessively consumed, which may ......

Cultivation techniques of autumn cowpea

1. Reasonable crop rotation, select good varieties with strong disease resistance, disinfect the seeds before planting, and dress the seeds with a new high-fat film, which can repel underground diseases and insects, effectively kill harmful bacteria, block ......

Hurry up to prevent wheat lodging

Key prevention wheat fields First, wheat fields with premature planting, excessive planting volume, total stems per mu before wintering of more than 800,000, and maximum tillers of more than 1 million in spring, are prone to field closure, poor ventilati ......

Multi-film covering in cold weather arch shed

As the weather turned cold, the amount of vegetables in the arched shed gradually decreased in the later stage of the results. It is particularly important to improve the thermal insulation of the arch shed and extend the time to market for vegetables. H ......

Wheat no-till seeding

The water-saving and drought-resistant straw is evenly spread on the surface of the ground. There is no dry soil cracking in the winter and spring, and the soil is practical, which reduces the evaporation and loss of soil moisture. Warming and warming the straw cover is like covering a wheat seed ......

Promote planting purple sweet potato to strengthen field man…

Purple sweet potato is also called black potato, and the potato is purple to dark purple. The taste is delicate and sweet, and the flavor is rich. Strong germination, many branches, thick and strong, up to 1 meter long, not prosperous, semi-erect. In add ......

The three major misunderstandings of fertilizer

Use fertilizer carefully Applying chemical fertilizers to crops as seed fertilizers can play a role in timely replenishment of fertilizers and promote the early emergence of strong seedlings, but you should not dress seeds at will. For example, the soake ......

Method for growing pepper seedlings without soil

Soilless cultivation of seedlings mainly uses soil and farmyard manure in the seedling tray as the seedling substrate, but uses the mixture of peat and vermiculite in a ratio of 3:1 as the seedling substrate. Put the mixed seedling substrate into the seed ......

Key points for fruiting management of edible fungi after the…

The beginning of autumn has passed, and the summer heat is slowly beginning to fade, and the mid-autumn season of the year is about to usher in a high and refreshing season. This season is a time when the production of edible fungi is relatively lively. T ......

Hunchun Summer Management Points

1. Fertilizer management: It is an evergreen fruit tree, with leafy flowers and blossoms. There are 4 peaks in the year. Spring shoots and summer shoots are excellent results. The cultivation of fine spring shoots and summer shoots must be done with fert ......