www.isleofwightweather.com - the Isle of Wight weather station
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Good Evening, and welcome to the first live Weather Station on the Isle of Wight, situated on the outskirts of Newport. Here, you can find details of past and present weather conditions, forecasts, climate and trends to be found whilst living or holidaying on the Isle of Wight. We have weather data and details from Newport, Bleakdown, Brighstone, Freshwater, Central Newport, Sandown and Ryde. With the exceptions of routine back up and maintenance to our data systems, isleofwightweather is on line 24 hours a day giving you the information you need when you need it. During extreme weather conditions, we update our data more frequently.

weather conditions from the Isle of Wight Weather Station at Newport, taken on 19/4/2024 at 22:20
station location 50:43.13N 1:16:13W @ 45ft amsl
weather conditions Dry and Night time/Dry with North east Calm.
current conditions icon

Current conditions icon

current webcam image

Current webcam image

ambient conditions Ambient conditions icon
sea conditions calm-glassy sea
local weather metar Southampton weather metar
current weather alarm Frost warning threshold exceeded
short term forecast mostly clear with little temp change.
isle of wight temperature / humidity summary [click for comprehensive detail]
air temperature / change in last hour 9.2°C (48.5°F) / -1.9 °C (-3.4°F)
minimum / maximum air temperature 8.9°C (48.1°F) at 00:31 / 16.0°C (60.8°F) at 12:04
feels like 9°C
apparent temperature 8.4°C
apparent solar temperature 8.4°C
average temperature 6am - 6pm 13.5 °C (56.3 °F)
average temperature 6pm - 6am 12.4 °C (54.4 °F)
soil temperature /soil moisture 12°C / 24.0 cb
minimum / maximum soil temperature 10°C / 13°C
wind chill temperature 9.2°C
minimum / maximum wind chill 7.2°C at 01:30 / 16.0°C at 12:04
dew point temperature 4.8°C (40.6°F)
humidity 74%, change in last hour +3%
minimum / maximum humidity 50% at 19:20 / 85% at 04:29
isle of wight wind summary [click for comprehensive detail]
wind speed and direction 0.5mph North east, (42 degrees)
beaufort wind speed force 0 bft (Calm)
wind run 136.12 miles
maximum gust since 0 hour 20.7 mph (18.0 knots) at 16:25
maximum gust last hour 11.3mph
cloud base 1856 feet / 566 m
isle of wight barometer summary [click for comprehensive detail]
pressure corrected to msl 1022.4 mb (30.19 inches) and Steady
pressure change last hour +0.5 mb
pressure change last 6 hours +4.7 mb
pressure change last 12 hours +4.4 mb
minimum / maximum pressure 1017.6 hPa at 16:07 / 1022.4 hPa at 22:09
isle of wight rain summary [click for comprehensive detail]
rolling 24 hour rainfall 0.0 mm
rainfall since midnight 0.0mm (0.00 inches)
maximum daily rain rate 0.0 mm/min at 00:00
last rain fell - 15/4/2024
current rain rate 0.0 mm/min / 0.00 mm/hr
rain fall in the last hour 0.0 mm
rainfall in the last 3 hours 0.0 mm
rainfall in the last 6 hours 0.0 mm
current rain episode duration 0 minutes
storm rain start date 0/0/0
storm rain value 0.0 mm
difference from average rainfall 1.2 mm
consecutive days with no rain 3 days
rainy days this month / year 9 days / 65 days
months rain / average rainfall 44.2mm / 67.8mm
this years rain / last years rain / average rain 455.2mm / 307.6mm
isle of wight sunshine, solar and moon summary [click for comprehensive detail]
sunrise / moonrise 06:01 / 15:22
sunset / moonset 20:07 / 04:48
current solar 0 w/m²
maximum solar 926 w/m2 at 13:42
current uv 0.0
maximum uv 5.5 at 13:42
sunshine today 10:01 hours from a possible 14:06
sunshine for month / year 183:20 hours / 633:39 hours
evapotranspiration 2.8mm  per day
yesterday's evapotranspiration 3.3 mm
moon age / phase Moon age: 11 days,1 hours,50 minutes,85%
isle of wight lightning details [more]
lightning counts since midnight 0 stikes
lightning counts since noon 0 strikes
isle of wight weather station diagnostics [Newport Station]
time of next weather update 00:00
time software started 16:27:10 11/04/2024
software version Weatherdisplay 10.37S build 144
windows uptime 9 Days 1 Hours 46 Minutes 16 Seconds
free memory 11.46GB
data reception / data received 18669 589 0 572 392 / 318974
current average station reception 97%
console battery 4.7 volts
condition of iss batteries Ok
isle of wight weather summary image

Isle of Wight Weather summary

isle of wight weather station latest satellite and radar images
latest satellite image [click image for more]

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isle of wight weather station network supporters
dc engineering - specialist electro-mechanical engineers, and portable appliance testing specialists

Portable appliance testing (PAT Testing) from dc engineering. Fast, reliable, preofessional service. Pround sponsors of the isleofwightweather websites.

Loheat farm clothing

Loheat Saxon Farm and Veterinary Clothing

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iww.co.uk - Newport | iww.net - Brighstone| iww.info - Bleakdown | iww.org - Freshwater

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The Isle Of Wight Weather Station Network cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of this data. We will attempt to keep the data systems running, but occasionally they may go offline for maintenance. Copyright © isleofwightweather 2003-2013. All copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and logo's are the respective property of their holders. This site may not be copied without the written consent of isleofwightweather. All text that is intellectual property is copyrighted. Images and our logos are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the written consent of isleofwightweather. We sell spare parts for milking machines, dairy water heaters and portable milking machines. Specialist dairy engineers and milking machine installers here. dc engineering are the leading Isle of Wight PAT Testers. Also see iww.co.uk, iww.com, iww.info, iww.org, iww.eu, iww.cc and iww.net which are all part of the Isle of Wight Weather Station Network. This site is supported by calf-feeding, and is maintained by Shaun Wheeler. Last updated on 20/05/2016.