

Climate and Environment

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Sign up for the Climate Forward newsletter, for Times subscribers.


  1. 10 Big Biden Environmental Rules, and What They Mean

    Asbestos, “forever” chemicals, E.V.s and endangered species. Here’s what 10 new rules cover, and why the administration has been churning them out.


    President Biden giving an Earth Day speech inside Prince William Forest Park in Virginia, last month.
    President Biden giving an Earth Day speech inside Prince William Forest Park in Virginia, last month.
    CreditTom Brenner for The New York Times
  1. Are Flight Offsets Worth It?

    A lot of them don’t work and some might even be harmful. But there are things you can do if you really have to fly.


    CreditNaomi Anderson-Subryan
    Ask NYT Climate
  2. Giant Batteries Are Transforming the Way the U.S. Uses Electricity

    They’re delivering solar power after dark in California and helping to stabilize grids in other states. And the technology is expanding rapidly.

     By Brad Plumer and

    CreditThe New York Times
  3. A New Surge in Power Use Is Threatening U.S. Climate Goals

    A boom in data centers and factories is straining electric grids and propping up fossil fuels.

     By Brad Plumer and

    CreditThe New York Times
  4. Trash or Recycling? Why Plastic Keeps Us Guessing.

    Did you know the “recycling” symbol doesn’t mean something is actually recyclable? Play our trashy garbage-sorting game, then read about why this is so tricky.

     By Hiroko Tabuchi and

    CreditRinee Shah
  5. Have Climate Questions? Get Answers Here.

    What’s causing global warming? How can we fix it? This interactive F.A.Q. will tackle your climate questions big and small.





The Climate Forward Newsletter

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  1. The Doom vs. Optimism Debate

    How to reconcile two new reports that seem to tell very different stories about the state of climate change.


    A solar farm abutting a coal-burning power plant in Weifang, China, last year.
    CreditGilles Sabrié for The New York Times
  2. With or Without Tesla, More E.V. Chargers Are Coming

    Experts say that a new wave of electric vehicle charging stations are coming soon, even after Tesla gutted its charger team.


    An electric vehicle charging station in a parking lot in Santa Monica, Calif.
    CreditPhilip Cheung for The New York Times
  3. Making Flying Cleaner

    New guidelines attempt to make the aviation cleaner by relying on corn-based ethanol, but experts divided on the fuel’s environmental benefits.


    Air travel is responsible for 3 percent of global carbon emissions.
    CreditJenn Ackerman and Tim Gruber for The New York Times
  4. How to save a pristine valley

    How a group of local activists saved the ‘Yosemite of South America’ in the unlikeliest of deals.


    The Cochamó Valley of southern Chile, referred to as the “Yosemite of South America.”
    CreditRodrigo Manns
  5. The fight over the future of plastics

    As countries negotiate a landmark agreement to reduce plastic pollution, the industry is fighting a battle over regulations and over its image.


    A sculpture titled “Giant Plastic Tap,” by the Canadian artist Benjamin Von Wong, outside the fourth session of the U.N. Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution in Ottawa on Tuesday.
    CreditDave Chan/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
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