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Welcome to the United Women’s Hockey League! We are an organization composed of women ice hockey players from Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The UWHL is a tri-state travel league currently composed of 27 teams across 5 divisions. Our teams range from individuals just learning the sport to individuals with professional experience. 



Comments, Feedback, Questions, Requests? Send us an email with the details!

Player History Survey

Any player who is new to the UWHL, is requesting to play at a lower level than the most recent level played, or returning to the UWHL for the first time since the 2014-2015 season must complete the survey.

Roster Committee

Looking for volunteers to join our Roster Committee!

Substitute Goalie Application

This is the application to submit your information to be listed on the UWHL's Goalie Sub List. This form is always open. This form only needs to be submitted once, unless you are updating your information.

Substitute Player Application

This is the application to submit your information to be listed on the UWHL's Player Sub List. This form is always open. This form only needs to be submitted once, unless you are updating your information.