SEO Tools
Tools to help you build and market your website.

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Contains information about keywords, on page SEO, link building, and social interaction.
Tips on how to buy traffic from search engines.
Learn how to track your success with organic SEO and PPC ads. Includes information about web analytics.
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Keyword Typo Generator

Enter one word or phrase per line

Skip letter
Double letters
Reverse letters
Skip spaces
Missed key
Inserted key

Tips & Advice

In the past people would use this tool to generate a list of typos and common keyword misspellings for Overture (later Yahoo! Search Marketing), Microsoft adCenter (later Bing Ads) and Google AdWords. This software/script would help create a list of lower search volume low competition keywords to save money on PPC ads or help you find low competition keywords which are easier to rank for with traditional SEO.

It is worth noting that over the past decade search engines have grown increasingly more sophisticated with spell correction of the organic search results, and in September of 2014 both Google and Bing broadened out their spelling handling on exact match to include variant matching of closely related terms. That sort of shift minimizes soem of the direct economic benefit people would get from cheaper cost per click ads in the past.

While much of the search engine marketing related utility of this tool has diminished, this tool can still be used to find domain name errors to minimize the risk of cybersquatting and help you protect your brand. And some other online ad auctions might not be as advanced at spelling error handling as the leading global search companies are.

Gain a Competitive Advantage Today

Your top competitors have been investing into their marketing strategy for years.

Now you can know exactly where they rank, pick off their best keywords, and track new opportunities as they emerge.

Explore the ranking profile of your competitors in Google and Bing today using SEMrush.

Enter a competing URL below to quickly gain access to their organic & paid search performance history - for free.

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  • Comprehensive competitive data: research performance across organic search, AdWords, Bing ads, video, display ads, and more.
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  • Global footprint: Tracks Google results for 120+ million keywords in many languages across 28 markets
  • Historical performance data: going all the way back to last decade, before Panda and Penguin existed, so you can look for historical penalties and other potential ranking issues.
  • Risk-free: Free trial & low monthly price.
Your competitors, are researching your site

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