East Africa

Wararka Maanta iyo Axadle

Fannaanada Ugbaad Aragsan oo Hargaysa lagu xidhay

 Talaado, April, 16, 2024 (AX) - Booliiska Northern Somalia ayaa xabsiga u taxaabay fannaanada Ugbaad Maxamuud Cabdi 'Ugbaad Aragsan', oo lagu eedeeyay in ay faafisay muuqaalo anshax xumo ah.Sida lagu sheegay qoraal lagu baahiyay bogga Facebook ee Ciidanka Booliiska Northern Somalia, fannaanada waxa lagu xidhay eedayn la xidhiidha in ay baraha…


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West Africa

North Africa

World News

Syria: Omars falafel

How to rebuild after a civil war? This is the question that arose for Omar and Wael Jalabi when they arrived in France and fled the civil war that…
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Central African

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