Quick-counter.net - HTML code for a website hit counter - No registration needed

Quick-counter.net is easy to implement free HTML hit counter. It's free service and no registration is required - identification is realized by the URL of a page and the domain of a website. Just copy&paste and it's working.

Quick installation

  • choose a time zone
  • choose a variant of Quick-counter
  • copy the code and paste it to your HTML pages (don't change the code anyway)
  • test and publish it

Time zone

Choose your time zone:

Variant A - discreet counter

static example
The variant shows visits of a domain (subdomain). The first value: amount of today visits. The second value: amount of whole time visits.
HTML code:

Variant B - mini logo

static example
The variant shows visits of a domain (subdomain).
HTML code:

Variant C - mini logo with details

static example
The variant shows visits and hits of a domain (subdomain) for today and whole time.
HTML code:

Variant D - mini logo today-yesterday-whole time

static example
The variant shows visits of a domain (subdomain) for today, yesterday and whole time.
HTML code:

Variant E - square

static example
The variant shows visits and hits of a domain (subdomain) for today, yesterday and whole time.
HTML code:

Variant F - detail box

static example
The variant shows visits and hits of a domain (subdomain) and of a current page for today, yesterday and whole time.
HTML code:

HTML hit counter without registration - Quick-counter.net   --    HTML codes for counter - contact    --    © 2005-2007 - Radek Kucera