Flickr badge

Flickr badge is a free tool based the Flickr badge service, offers because anyone with a Flickr account wants to show off pictures on their website or Blog, you can seriously customize the way your photos are being displayed. Just enter the URL of your Flickr album, set some simple options about how you want your badge to look, then you get a tailored HTML code, copy the HTML provided and paste it into the source code for your web page to generate the same result. It is flexibility and easy to use.

User/Group/Set Flickr URL:
tags: (optional)
Ordering your images: Latest
Size of your images: Small square box
Thumbnail size
Medium size
Badge width:
Number of images:
Image border width:      color:      padding:      margin:

    Copy and paste this into the source code for your web page or Blog:
    Badge preview: