
'You are neither asleep nor hypnotised, but it's like having a deep and penetrating massage on the mind.'

A relaxing therapy where warm medicated oils are poured from a special vessel onto the center of the forehead, inducing a mental state of deep relaxation. It calms the nervous system and helps to melt away the chattering of the mind.

In Sanskrit language Shirodhara is composed of two words shiro + dhara. Shiro means head and Dhara means flow of warm oil. The patient lies supine on a flat surface with head back and a rolled towel or pillow beneath the neck. A stream of warm oil is drizzled very slowly onto the center of the forehead (the location of the "third eye") for 60 minutes followed by gentle scalp massage. The effect is indescribable.

Shirodhara treatment is done in absolute silence. It takes you to deep relaxation and in to a balanced state of rest in mind and body. Best experienced after a massage, Shirodhara is one of our most popular Ayurveda treatments.    

Shirodhara is a great rejuvenating therapy that gives a healthy face and body glow. In Ayurveda, rejuvenating therapy is the golden path to attain longevity as it is aimed at the preservation of health. Shirodhara helps to heal the body at the root level of disease, by calming imbalances in our mind and disturbances in our emotions it leaves you feeling in a heavenly state for the rest of your day.  

Excessively high Pitta types will usually be guided towards Shirodhara milk as opposed to Shirodhara Oil. This is due to the fact the Pitta is heat and is most easily brought back to balance by being cooled. Specially treated Ayurvedic milk holds wonderfully cooling properties and is therefore recommended in such circumstances.

Recommended for: insomnia, headaches, stress, chattering mind, excessive mental fatigue, eye and ear conditions, movement of the lymph to stimulate detoxification
Benefits: deep relaxation of the nervous system, improved functioning of the 5 senses, relief from mental and physical stress and strain, improved vitality and balance, increased blood circulation around the body and to the brain, boosts memory, nourishes hair and the scalp and assists in providing sound sleep.
Time:   1 hour Approximate cost in USD
Price:   1500B for 1
1300B each for 3
1100B each for 5
  900B each for 7