Åmans Unisex Beauty presenterar




Då är du välkommen att njuta av en afrikansk klassisk djupgående muskelmassage som lindrar och mjukar upp spänningar i dina muskler samt ökar cirkulationen och blodgenomströmningen i muskelvävnaden.


Massage har många goda effekter och kan användas i både förebyggande och rehabiliterande syfte.



Jag erbjuder er Afrikansk Healing Massage med äkta afrikanska naturprodukter .Har du ont i kroppen? Eller stressad och trött? Kom till mig och du får en fantastisk behandling som kommer hjälpa dig mycket.




Öppet: Mån - fre 10:00-21:00, lör 11:00-16:00, sön & helg endast bokningar.

Ring 076-435 21 58 eller 08- 666 98 18 för mer info eller bokning.


Ni är även välkomna att boka tid eller ställa frågor i nedanstående formulär:


Din e-postadress:



Mitt namn är Julieth Åman. Jag är född i Tanzania, men har bott i Sverige i 24 år. Jag är av afrikansk härkomst och kan ge en skön afrikansk massage, medicinsk massageterapi,  afrikansk healing massage eller medicinsk massage. Jag kan också erbjuda afrikansk alternativmedicin för reumatism, hudsvamp, stress mm. Jag använder mina magiska händer på ett afrikansk sätt som gör kunden maximalt avslappnad.



Jag erbjuder klassisk afrikansk massage med äkta afrikanska örter som en välgörande krydda i massageoljan. Både för män och kvinnor. Fotvård, behandling mot rynkor, celluliter mm.

Massagens effekter

* Gör spända muskler mjuka

* Ökar blodcirkulationen i musklerna

* Stärker immunförsvaret

* Har en avslappnande effekt på kroppen

* Ger en djupare och lugnare andning

* Motverkar stress

* Lugnande effekt på nervsystemet


Jag kan hjälpa er med behandling mot slem i luftvägar, lindring av infektioner och irritation.

Du kanske lider av:

- astma

- kol

- allergier

- eksem

- psoriasis

- stress

- förkylning

- bihåleinflamation


Kom till mig och prova en afrikansk healing massage.

Att få massage kan vara rent avkopplande och få avstressande efter en dag på jobbet. Massagen kan då vara lugn och inte så djup. Men ibland kan man vilja ha en djupare massage med töjningar och stretch.


Det är viktigt att man har och får förtroende för sin massör. Tystnadsplikt gäller för mig, så jag talar inte om vem som går hos mig (men vill du berätta att du besöker mig så är det helt ok).

Om du kan känna dig trygg, så är det mycket lättare att slappna av under massagen. Jag vill att du skall kunna känna att massagen är nyttig för både själen och kroppen.


Vem går på massage hos mig?

Det är kvinnor som män, yngre, äldre, de som tränar men också otränade. Ingen skall behöva skämmas över något, så länge du är ren och fräsch så har du inget att skämmas över.




RING 0739-576 751 ELLER MEJLA: yowece@gmail.com

Jag erbjuder Klassisk Afrikansk Massage med äkta afrikanska örter som en välgörande krydda i massageoljan. Både for män och kvinnor. Fotvård , behandling mot rynkor, celluliter mm. 



Jag har utfört denna typ av massage i fem år och har två olika nivåer:


• Lätt och mjuk beröring med lagom energifördelning

• Intensiv. Börjar mjukt och blir mer & mer intensiv för att nå den nivå som kunden tål


Jag går igenom massageförloppet i förväg. Alla krämer kommer från Tanzania och de kan lindra många sjukdomar som exempelvis muskelknutar, inflammation, blodpropp, hudsvamp, stress, psoriasis och i vissa fall även mot migrän. Denna massageform erbjuds till kvinnor och män i alla åldrar.


Våra massageprodukter o priser:


- Massage med varm olivolja = 500kr

- Nassage med naturkräm = 500kr


- Vattenmassage eller tvålmassage = 450kr


- Fotvård –pedikur & manikur = 450 kr

- Äkta massageolja från ön Zanzibar,Tanzania = 450kr


Jag säljes natur- och hälsoprodukter från Massai-folket samt äkta massageoljor från ön Zanzibar, Tanzania till billiga priser.

Matkryddor från ön Zanzibar, Tanzania 500kr.






- ansiktsbehandling mot rynkor + massage

- hudvård - behandling mot celluliter - hårvård –

Nu Skin anser att vetenskapen bakom hudvård handlar om mer än bara formler med avancerade ingredienser och banbrytande teknik.

Forskning om hudvård handlar om att få dig att må så bra och se så bra ut som möjligt, så att du kan möta omvärlden med självförtroende.


Medicinsk fotvård


Pedikyr Enkel 50 min 400:-

Fotbad, klippning av tånaglarna, uppmjukning av nagelband, avlägsning av förhårdnader och fotbehandling.


Pedikyr Medium 55 min 500:-

Fotbad, klippning av tånaglarna, uppmjukning av nagelband, avlägsning av förhårdnader, fotmassage och lackning.


Pedikyr Ultra 60 min 600:-

Fotbad, klippning av tånaglarna, uppmjukning av nagelband, avlägsning av förhårdnader,





I alla ansiktsbehandlingar ingår( Face Mapping - )Dermalogicas unika hudanalys.


Enbart Face Mapping med rådgivning 30 min 200:- (dras av vid köp av produkt).


Ansiktsbehandling Enkel 40 min 400:-

Rengöring, hudanalys, ansiktsbehandling, mask och ansiktskräm.


Ansiktsbehandling Medium 60 min 600:-

Rengöring, hudanalys, ånga, peeling, porrengöring, ansikts- och dekolletage- , mask och ansiktskräm.


Välj ur mitt stora urval av härliga och lyxiga behandlingar!

Jag finns till för ungdomar, män, kvinnor, grupper samt företag.


Jag bjuder på kaffe/te och bullar innan och efter behandling.





Företag och privatpersoner är välkomna


Friskvård kan innebära olika saker som t.ex ett träningskort, sjukvårdsförsäkring och/eller massagebehandling. Som företagare tjänar du på att ha en frisk personalstyrka. De mår både bättre och blir gladare.





Är du egen företagare eller anställd på ett företag? Det gäller alla! Många människor lider idag av någon form av muskelvärk som inskränker ens rörlighet eller ger en dålig sömn eller andra kroppsliga problem. Hur ser det ut för dig?


Regelbunden massage kan både förebygga och förhindra detta. Massage kan också ha en avslappnande effekt i en stressig vardag. Ditt företag och dina anställda kommer att må mycket bättre efter en stunds massage. Dessutom är det avdragsgillt!


Jag kan erbjuda olika lösningar för dig  som privat eller dig och ditt företag. Jag använder äkta naturprodukter och erbjuder Healingmassage, Oljemassage, Rygg & nackmassage, Fotmassage, Fotvård mm.




Filosofin är att kroppen stänger inne känslor och minnen som kommer upp till ytan när spänningarna i kroppen löses upp.


Idén/filosofin bakom:

Healingmassage tar sin utgångspunkt i asiaternas filosofi om energibanor. Massagen låter mottagaren på ett mjukt sätt få kontakt med känslor som undertrycks i en stressad vardag.


Hur går det till?

Du ligger i regel avklädd (med trosor /kalsonger). Du får ha något över dig, ofta en handuk, och en varm lampa finns på rummet så att du känner dig varm och trygg. Terapeuten masserar med varm naturlig massageolja och stryker med handflatan och växlar mellan att trycka på djupet och nästan bara nudda.


Framför allt bra för:

Personer som behöver ro i kropp och tankar. De som inte känner sig väl till mods med sina kroppar. Det kan vara kvinnor som tycker att de är lite överviktiga eller män som har komplex för tunna ben eller smala axlar. Behandlingsmetoden är bra för stressade personer. Även för dem som precis har tagit sig igenom en svår period med personlig kris eller byte av jobb. Kanske särskilt bra för singlar som sällan får beröring. Man trivs inte med sig själv om man inte någon gång emellanåt får beröring.


Mindre bra för:

Psykiskt sjuka. Inte heller för människor som verkligen har svårt för att man rör vid dem.



Får upp känslorna till ytan. Avstressande


Vi bjuder på kaffe/te/varm choklad med bullar före och efter behandling.


Är du sugen på massage, men tycker att det är svårt att välja i utbudet? Här får du lära dig mer om nio olika typer - och vad de fokuserar på.


Det här gör massage för dig:


Mjukar upp musklerna

Musklerna utgör cirka 40 % av kroppens vikt. När musklerna arbetar avger de avfallsämnen i form av mjölksyra, koldioxid och urinämnen. De här avfallsämnena leds naturligt bort från musklerna av blodomloppet och lymfsystemet. Men om för stor mängd avfallsämnen ansamlas, som det gör när vi timma efter timma sitter spända framför datorn eller tränar lite för hårt, blir musklerna trötta, stela och ömma. Massage lossar och mjukar upp och hjälper bort de anhopade avfallsämnena.


Rensar ut avfallsämnen

En erkänd engelsk läkare jämförde för över 100 år sedan massage med ett kloaksystem. Ett bra kloaksystem håller ditt hus rent och hygieniskt och leder ut avfallet. En bra massage gör samma sak med din kropp: Håller den ren och sund och leder ut avfallet. Massage förbättrar blodcirkulationen som transporterar näringsämnen och syre ut till kroppens celler. Samtidigt leds avfallsämnen bort från cellerna med blodet. Massage sätter också fart på lymfsystemet, som spelar en avgörande roll vid kroppens utrensning av avfallsämnen.


Massage förbättrar blodcirkulationen och därmed även blodförsörjningen till hudens celler. Det innebär bland annat att näringen till hudcellerna förbättras. Därför har massage också en god inverkan på huden - det får huden att se sundare och friskare ut, huden får mer lyster och färg och så blir den faktiskt också smidigare på lång sikt.



Hjärtligt välkomna!




In English





Getting the best out of Massage


To really get the best out of massage, one needs to viewit in the same was as going to the gym, or taking vitamin suplements, ie. one massage on it's own is good, but it's not going to give youall the benefits of a regular massage.


As with going to the gym, the first 2 or 3 massages may even be a bit painfull, if your body has not been looked after, but there after, you will begin to experience and appreciate all the benefits of a regular massage.


Progressive effect: One needs to get a regular massage becasue of the progressive benefitial effects. One can imagine that if you have taken years to build up strain and tension in your shoulder muscles, that it is not going to suddenly all disapear in one massage. It takes a number of massages, regularly spaced, to revers the damage that has been done over the years. If one leaves it too long between massages, it may just be that treatment has to start from step one again, and you never really experience the full benefit of the massage.


Idealy one would like to get a massage once a week, and in the beginning this might be nessesary to deal with years worth of spasm, But practically speaking, most people can't aford the time or money this takes, so once or twice a month is much more practical. One should certainly not leave it for more than a month between massages, or we would hae to start at square one again. In the case of professional sports men and women, an massage twice a week is probably more appropriate.


Some things one should remember include the following:

Drink lots of liquids; as a massage will remove a lot of toxins from the body tissues, these toxins find their way into the blood stream. One needs to drink lots of fluids after a massage in order to flush them out. Beware if you don't, because you are likely to get a horrible head ache, particularly if you are a smoker.


Eat healty, lots of fresh raw foods (fruit and veg.) and whole grains. These foods will also help detoxify the body, so you will not only be healthier, but you will also be less likely to need a massage as often, and you won't have any of the detox after effets a massage can cause.


Get a regular massage.


Get regular excersise.


Get plenty of sleep.


Get a regular massage.



Swedish/Classical Massage


Treat yourself to a fantastic time of de-stressing and feeling good. This massage combines the classical massage strokes to give you the most relaxing experience, while at the same time, giving you all the benefit of massage. Not too deep and not too light, not too slow and not too fast. It's just right.

Benefits of Swedish massage

With regular massage one can expect:

improved health

Improved veinous return ie. Blood flow back to the heart.

Improved lymphatic return, thus

improving elimination of toxins from the muscles.

Improved sleeping due to stress relief.

Emotional & physical Stress Relief.

Improved condition and flexibility.


What we do?



A Swedish massage is not supposed to be a very painful experience, though some pain may be unavoidable, particularly if you have a lot of knots in your muscles.


As well as leaving you feeling relaxed and stress free, a massage can also

leave you feeling drugged because of toxins and wastes being removed

from the muscles, the body also produces endorphins which may put

you on a bit of a high, this is very evident after a back or full

massage if you have a lot of knots in your back, but can be quite



The nature of this massage requires bare skin,

particularly for the stroking movements which require massage oils

to reduce pulling on the skin. It would follow then, that any part

of the body being massaged needs to be undressed. Areas that are not

being massaged at the time are kept covered with a towel to keep you

warm in winter and to preserve your modesty if this would make you

feel more comfortable. Care will be taken not to expose any private

areas of the body






Back & Shoulders

Back, Shoulders, Legs & Bum

Full Massage


We can also adjust the routine for you to meet your particular needs




Lymphatic Breast Care Massage


The lymphatics of the breasts are very different to any other part of the body, in that they don't have any muscles acting on them to cause a pumping action. This, together with the lymphatics being squashed flat by a bra all day, causes the system to stop working.


Studies in Canada, have shown that regular lymphatic massage of the breasts can reduce the risk of breast cancer by as much as 80%. The same studies have also shown that for women who wear a bra for more than 8 hours a day are also at increased risk for developing breast cancer. In fact, this risk increases by about 10% for every hour a day average extra that a bra is worn.


The lymphatic breast care massage is usually a self massage that is done about 2 to 3 times a week. This is not the same as the breast inspection that women should do, to inspect their breasts for lumps (cancer detection).


The breast care massage can be included in any of the other full body massage routines if so desired.





Deep Connective Tissue Massage ( sport Massage)



This massage is a deep slow soothing massage. It is very relaxing and will help get rid of all your stress and tension. If you're unsure as to which massage you really want. This massage is always a good option, because it is so rewarding, no matter what the need.


This is a great massage for sports people to have on a regular basis, because it resolves appointment in the connective tissue layers, and improves mobility. It also reduces scar tissue that might be present in the muscles from previous injuries.


Because I use an oil specially mixed to aid the relaxing effect of the massage. The nature of this massage requires bare skin, particularly for those long soothing strokes. It would follow then, that any part of the body being massaged needs to be undressed. Areas that are not being massaged at the time can be kept covered with a towel to keep you warm in winter or to preserve your modesty. Care will be taken not to expose any private areas of the body.


Benefits of regular deep connective tissue massage include:


Reduced blood pressure

Improved mobility.

Better muscle balance.

Reduced cellulite.


Improved circulation.

Improved lymphatic return.

Improved sleep patterns.

It is also very relaxing and stress reducing.






Back & Shoulders

Back, Shoulders, Legs & Bum

Full Massage


I can also use this type of massage as the basis of the Super Smooth Massage.

Or I can also adjust the routine for you to meet your particular needs.



A little more detail about connective tissue

The whole body is really made up of connective tissue, but in muscles it wraps around muscle fibres to form muscle sheaths, which extent to form tendons to connect to bones. Similar connective tissue also wraps around the whole body and limbs, forming fascial layers, keeping everything in place, including muscle tissue, fatty tissue and body organs.


These connective tissue layers, are much like a lose weave fabric, with many layers that cross over each other. In most cases the layers are supposed to slide over each other, to allow for movement. But, with dehydration, a lack of physical activity, or stretching, poor nutrition, toxic build up, smoking, etc. these layers tend to stick together, thicken and harden.


These layers sticking together causes many problems, including a lack of mobility in certain limbs, muscle imbalances, and cellulite (when connective tissue layers that are so hardened and stuck, they form a kind of a net that fatty tissue pokes through).


Properties of connective tissue are, that it is essentially a liquid that has properties that make it become more liquid with slow pressure and heat, and become more solid with sudden pressure, or cold. This property is called "fixotropic".


As well as leaving you feeling relaxed and stress free, a DCT massage can also leave you feeling drugged because of toxins and wastes being removed from the muscles and connective tissue, particularly if you are having this massage for the first time. If you are a smoker, it is very likely that you may even develop a head ache after your first DCT massage because of the detoxing effect.



So, deep connective tissue massage is slow and deep. This is not nearly as painful as it might sound, and is really, very relaxing.



The Super Smooth Full Body Massage (HEALING)



This is the most amazing, relaxing, de-stressing massage you will ever have. In fact it's better than a "sensual" massage because there is no erotic intent, just a really good massage. I have developed this massage routine as a flowing routine incorporating a blend classical Swedish massage techniques, and full body length flowing strokes, that give unimaginable pleasure.


The main purpose of this massage is for relaxation and stress reduction, however, it has other very noble benefits as well. It is a massage which is able help the client enjoy their body and feel comfortable in it. This can be of particular benefit to clients with eating disorders, depression and stress, and because it is a non-sexual massage, it can also be helpful to patients with a history of abuse, as it is very healing and able to help you develop a healthy body image.


Because it is a routine that consists mainly of full body length strokes it requires that the recipient is undressed and undraped. I do this kind of massage for both women.and men


The mechanism behind this massage is that massage is able to bring balance back to the hormone levels within the body, particularly serotonin levels (happy hormone) and endorphin levels (feel good hormone). This combined with receiving these good feeling via human touch, is very therapeutic for the development of a healthy body image.



Trigger Point Therapy




Trigger point therapy is basically getting rid of the active trigger points (knots), that develop in muscles. It forms part of any of the other massages that I do, it is not a massage in itself, but a added technique in my fight against pain.


Studies show that trigger points are involved in 95% of pain, and the main cause of 85% of all pain, including headaches, and even toothache, and period pain. So, it stands to reason that treating trigger points can do away with almost all pain, and it turns out that that is in fact true.




What is the benitis of Regular Massage



Some of the benefits of massage may include:

Stress reduction

Improved immune function

Relief of muscle tension

Detoxification the body

Reduced cellulite (deep connective tissue massage)

Improved circulation

Reduced risk of stress related diseases

Speedy recovery from hard training or sports events.


Anybody can have a massage at any time, for any reason.


A regular massage is one of the most basic health needs for everybody, for both physical and psychological health. Treat yourself to the healing qualities of a soothing massage, while at the same time de-stressing the mind and easing all those tight muscles, boosting your immune system and improving your health. Leave your treatment feeling on top of the world.


As an endurance sports woman, I have come to value the benefits of regular massage. Although a one-off massage is

always good, the true benefit of massage is only realised with regular massage sessions of between once a week to

once every 4 weeks.



Massage for Anorexia and other Eating Disorders




Eating disorders and in particular anorexia nervosa, are well known as psycological disorders. However, treatment is very difficult. The sufferer not only has a distorted view and connection with their own body, but is is also addicted to the feeling of not eating.


Massage has been shown to be very helpfull in the role of supportive treatment. The benefit of massage lies in the fact that it causes the release of hormones such as seratonin and endophines, these hormones give a feeling of happiness, and pleasure. This, coupled with the fact that this pleasure is experienced in and through the body, can change the whole body mind connection. Of course, it's not going to happen in one massage, but is a gradual process that happens with regular massage.


There are some causions though, depending on how badly the organs of the body, and the toxisity of the body, massage can overload organs such as the heart kidneys and liver. So care has to be taken, a gental massage with minimal effect on the circulatory systems is called for in such cases.




Cellulite Treatment Massage & weight loss program






You May Be Asking Yourself, Will This Really Work???



I know, I know. Like me you have wasted a lot of money on so-called cellulite cures. Trying everything to Get Rid of Cellulite. Trust me, this is the truth. I know why you have cellulite, and I want to help you get rid of it!

Although we have never met in person, I feel that I know you because I understand what it's like to have cellulite. I also know how it was for my two daughters who are in their twenties to struggle with embarrassing cellulite. These Natural Remedies really work. that is why they have been used for centuries, by thousand of women.

I know that you want to know these ancient secrets! I want to be your personal Naturopathic Counselor and help you get rid of your cellulite!


I consider myself a very honest person, and I have a deploma in natural products and I  work with  healing massage  so you can trust that I want you to succeed and feel good about the way that you look! I really care about you, and I want to help you lose your cellulite for good. You can get rid of cellulite. There is a nautral and effective treatment.



 Natural Massage products has been shown to be very effective in getting rid of cellulite, and I have developed a massage routine that is specifically designed to do this more effectively.


The program consists of 10 treatments (one a week) and includes diet assessment, etc.

Body statistics are measured and plotted over the 10 weeks to keep track of just how effective it is.


It is important to be realistic about your expectations though. My research indicates that

this treatment is very effective for women

in their 20's to mid 40's, but that from mid 40's and older, it becomes less effective.


Body fat percentage also plays a major role in the effectiveness of this treatment.

Only women with a body fat percentage of below 20% can expect to get rid of their cellulite totally over the 10 weeks,

although the results for women who's body fat percentage

is between 20% and 28% will show very good results as well.

For women who have a body fat percentage over 28%, results are still noticeable, but less so as body fat percentage rises





I also have a weight loss program which is based on a proper eating plan, along with a homoeopathic product

called Dr. Reckeweg, which has proved to be very effective indeed.


Something that should also be kept in mind is that weight change affects the look of cellulite in the short term.

This means that someone who has recently lost weight will seem to have more cellulite because the skin in not pulled so

tight over the body. Conversely someone who has recently gained weight will seem to have much less cellulite because the skin is pulled much tighter over

the body. Though it must be remembered that these are very short term effects,

Massage for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)


CFS is becoming more and more prevalent. There are differing oppinions as to the cause, but what is agreed on is that stress plays a huge role


Treatment of CFS should be sought from doctors who specialise in this condition (I have contact details if you are interested). Such treatment relies heavely on a diet that cuts out sugar, inclueds lots of fresh vegitables (even many fruits should be avoided).


Massage is extreamly important in the treatment of CFS for a number of reasons. Massage stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, counteracting the effects of stress. It restors better sleeping patters, improves immune function, and lowers levels of anxiety. On a more physical level it also brings relief to muscle and joint pain that is assosiated with CFS.




Endometriosis Massage


Endometriosis (from endo, "inside", and metra, "womb") is a gynecological medical condition in women in which endometrial-like cells appear and flourish in areas outside the uterine cavity, most commonly on the ovaries. The uterine cavity is lined by endometrial cells, which are under the influence of female hormones. These endometrial-like cells in areas outside the uterus (endometriosis) are influenced by hormonal changes and respond in a way that is similar to the cells found inside the uterus. Symptoms often worsen with the menstrual cycle. Endometriosis is typically seen during the reproductive years; it has been estimated that endometriosis occurs in roughly 5-10% of women. Symptoms may depend on the site of active endometriosis. Its main but not universal symptom is pelvic pain in various manifestations. Endometriosis is a common finding in women with infertility. (Defenition from wikipedia.org)


Therapeutic massage is an alternative therapy that may be recommended for endometriosis sufferers. The treatmet is specific to the patient and their symptoms. It usually includes massage of the back and abdomen, but sometimes the pelvic reagion, including the pelvic floor muscles. This depends entirely on the patient, their sypmtoms, and their desired outcome. This may sound like a strange form of therapy, but many women who suffer from endometriosis find therapeutic massage to be quite rewarding. How? The reason is because when endometriosis flares up, muscles in the lower back can result in a painful protective spasm. Spasms can cause muscular tension in the abdomen and pelvic region. Thus, the right therapeutic massage helps to alleviate pelvic congestion. The techniques used in therapeutic massage manipulate the muscles, ligaments and tendons in the body to relieve and prevent discomfort, pain, stress, and muscle spasms. The purpose of massages is to encourage relaxation and overall improvement on an individual’s wellbeing. There are many different types of therapeutic massages that an endometriosis sufferer can benefit from.



There are many causes for female impotence: most notable are pain during intercourse, a lack of sexual arousal, and lastly reduced sensation in the vaginal area.


With regard to pain during sex,


Pelvic Floor Pain Massage

Interstitial Cystitis, Incontinence & Lower Back Pain.

These conditions are often also linked to IBS, and this massage is also effective for IBS.




Pelvic floor pain and incontinence associated with lower back pain is well documented in older women. The usual cause is pelvic floor muscles that have lost their tone. This condition is easily rectified with exercises designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.


It is however, also very common to see these symptoms in younger women who are fit. Women such as personal trainers, dancers, pilates instructors etc. With these women the usual cause is the exact opposite, in that the muscles of the pelvic floor are too tight, and full of trigger points, preventing them from working properly. The trigger points in these muscles also refer pain to the lower back.


Treatment is two fold:

1.Massage: The massage for this condition is called the “Thiele massage”, named after the person who developed it. It is a very invasive, “trans vaginal” massage. The means that the therapist puts on a rubber clove and massages these muscle, accessing them via the vagina.


I do insist on the patient first undergoing a proper medical examination to determine that there is no other underlying cause, as well as signing a concent form before doing this massage.


In my experience, this massage is extremely effective, and the results are dramatic.


2.Stretching: This is a much less invasive treatment, it is a self treatment that can be done at home with a tennis ball. It's quite simple ie. sit on a tennis ball.



As far as a lack of sexual arousal goes, there are many reasons this can happen: i.e. a lack of skill on the part of the partner, traumatic experiences in the past, such as sexual abuse, rape, or other underlying psychological causes.


In all of these cases consulting a professional counselling expert in this area is recommended. The super smooth massage is designed precisely for this type of situation. It is not in itself a sexual massage, however it can help overcome many of the underlying psychological problems in conjunctions with counselling.

for more info on this treatment look at Super Smooth Massage (Healing Massage)


Lastly, just as with men short hamstrings can cause impotency.


Short hamstrings are well known for being the cause of a lot of back pain. We give very little though to these, often over worked, muscles.


Being postural muscle, the hamstrings are usually in a state of tension, or we would simply fall over. But, they hardly every get stretched properly, and are often the most neglected.


The problem is, that when they shorten, we know all about it, as they tilt the pelvis slightly and cause us some lower back pain. If left untreated though, this will carry on to cause more than a little lower back pain, but also have an effect on the sacro-tuberouse ligament. (a ligament deep in the groin area) and cause it to be put under tension. This ligament will in turn compress the pudendal nerve and sciatic nerve. The pudendal nerve provides sensory and motor innervation to sex organs as well as the urine bladder and anal sphincters, while the sciatic nerve feeds to the leg and foot. One can imagine, that when these nerves are compressed, that over time they gradually stop functioning, and loss of both function and sensation are experience







In short, tight hamstrings can and do cause impotency in men (as well as loss of sensation in women) along with sciatic pain. Because of the loss of sensation this causes in women, there is also a loss of sexual function, and it's is impossible to reach orgasm.


Warning signs are, lower back pain, numbness and tingling in the foot, leg and thigh, as well as the sex organs.


Treatment includes massage and stretching (of the lower back bum and hamstrings).


Male Impotence


Male Impotence / Erectile Dysfunction (ED)



There are many causes for male impotence, some of them life threatening, such as high cholesterol, heart disease etc. so the most important thing to do is first get checked out by a doctor. There are also other causes that are much more difficult to diagnose, such as emotional stress, lumbar disc prolapse or rupture.


In the case of emotional stress being the cause, massage can be very helpful. No, it's not going to deal with the cause of the stress, but a regular massage can definitely help with the symptoms.


There is one more cause that is a lot more common than one may realise, and that is short hamstrings.


Short hamstrings can cause impotency / Erectile Dysfunction (ED)



Short hamstrings are well known for being the cause of a lot of back pain. We give very little though to these, often over worked, muscles.







African Healing Massage can be very addictive and habit forming, you will want to come back again and again, but this is one addiction that is good for you.


The treatment modalities include:

Swedish Massage

Sports Massage

Deep Connective Tissue Massage

Lymphatic Massage

Medical Outcomes Based Massage

Cellulite Treatment

Super Smooth Massage (like Kahuna massage)

Trigger Point Therapy

Pregnancy Massage

Couples Massage

Mobile Massage

( No happy endings, don't even ask!    )                                                              



Fybromyalgia Care Massage


Fibromyalgia is a condition that more and more people are struggling with. The cause is not fully understood, but is is clear that stress is the trigger.


Fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterised by chronic pain, sleep difficulties, and a predictable pattern of "tender points" at various points in the body. Other typical symptoms, are balance problems, dizzines, nausea etc, particularly after lying on ones stomach.


Sufferes are often not diagnosed for years and are accused of being hypochondriacs


Diagnosis often takes years, and only after almost everything else has bee ruled out, though the most common method of diagnosis is if 12 out of the 18predicable tender points produce pain when pressed with a finger.


Massage treatment: Massage is probably the most reliable for of treatment for fibromyalgia, it is not a cure, but certainly a helps improve sleep, brings pain relief, and improves energy levels, helping the sufferer to cope better. There are diffiulties with massaging somebody with fibro, and the massage has to be adapted significantly. I have quite a bit of experience with this massage and the results are very good.


Is is important to note, the the first few massages can produce some nausea, a dizziness. Each person reacts differently, and it may take a few massages to find what works best for you. With fibo, a regular massage is vital to maintain the beneficial effects.




Manday - Frday 10:00 - 21:00

Saturdand 11:00 - 16:00

Sunday     12:00 - 16:00



Couples Massage




You and your partner can now enjoy the amazing effects of a relaxing massage together, in the same room, at the same time.Or having 4 hands on you .



With Mack having joined me, I am now able to offer couples massages.


Of course, because 2 schedules have to be manipulated to facilitate this, and for the extra facilities needed it is charged at a bit of a premium.


Note: these are not erotic massages!


 Modalities offered to couples:



Deep Swedish

Kahuna or similar (sensual without being erotic).








The treatment modalities include:


Swedish Massage 60min 500 kr


Sports Massage 60min 500kr


Deep Connective Tissue Massage 60min 800kr

Lymphatic Massage 60min 600kr

(relaxing fullbody oil massage)


Medical Outcomes Based Massage 60min 700kr


Cellulite Treatment 60min 600kr


Super Smooth Massage 60min 800kr (healing Massage -(like Kahuna massage)


Trigger Point Therapy 60min 600kr


Pregnancy Massage 60min 500kr


Couples Massage 60min 1200kr


Mobile Massage 60min 800kr within the Stockholm City  (Home visiting for sick people only)


0764 -352 158 - 0739-576 751 / 08-666 98 18



By Julieth Åman