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Mount Washington - White Mountain Road     open your myclimbbybike to add this climb

12 km 1909 m 1432 am 11.9%

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Mount Washington cycling - description written by Ed, Deinze, Belgium

Mt Washington Hill Climb Annually featured in the Mt Washington Hill Climb race.

The Mount Washington is situated in New Hampshire. This climb belongs to the Appalachian Mountains. The Mount Washington via White Mountain Road is ranked number 1 of the Appalachian Mountains. Starting from White Mountain Road, the Mount Washington ascent is 12 km long. Over this distance, you climb 1432 heightmeters. The average percentage thus is 11.9 %.

Note that the Mount Washington contains a flat section of 0.2 kilometer. Over the total distance, you actually climb for 11.4 km while you descend for 0.6 km. In total you gain 1426 altitude meters. That means that the average grade uphill is 12.5 %. In the descending section, you drop 8 altitudemeters at an average grade of 1.6 %. All this results in an adjusted Climbbybike difficulty score of 211.66.
If you want to climb the Mount Washington, you can find more information on how to train to climb the Mount Washington here.


Climbbybike difficulty score (215.8)
Ranking Appalachian Mountains
Ranking United States

Mount Washington via White Mountain Road popularity rank : 256

The Mount Washington has been climbed by 9 climbbybikers. It is ranked No. 256 as the most climbed climb in the world.
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Mount Washington via White Mountain Road: 7 reviews


This is a must climb for anyone that has the ability to get there and really wants a true test. Can definitely be climbed with a compact crank and climbing cassette (up to a 32). Climbed it 3x and it is great, the folks that put this together every year are phenomenal

Michael McNeil

I did the race 3 times in 99, 00 and 01. I went to school for Exercise phys and worked at a bike shop, so if anyone needs recommendations, feel free to email me.


I am 47 years young and never climb Mt Washington I will be going this year for the first time, when is the earliest time they open?

And any suggestions on the cassette I saw some nasty hills at the end

Louis Pakenham

Is it allowed for bikes to ride on the road to the top of Mount Washington? Thanks

Barry Sherry

Twelve km, 12% average grade with extended sections of 16%. And a 22% ramp up to the finish line. One can enter the Hillclimb for August on February 1 which usually sells out in 1-2 days; if it does they add a second race, Newton''s Revenge, in July. It has yet to sell out. A 1:1 gear ratio or better is HIGHLY recommended. I did it my first time in standard gearing but never again. Anyone who can climb this mountain without putting a foot down is a beast -- granny gear or not!

Trev Doyle

I was told that I was not going to get up this climb with the 36-25 gearing that I had....so I was worried . But the weather was nice and the wind was clocked at 9mph. I made it to the summit in 1:20:43. Not bad , but not great. I did have to get off and run for a moment in 2 spots. But watching my computer I was only doing 1mph slower than I was riding......It was a hard hill to climb, the hardest I have done. But I have still done mountain bike races that were waaaaaaaaay harder. With Mt Washington you can at least pace yourself. A must do for any climber. Just dont use a granny gear if you have any pride.

Brian Crounse

The only time you can do this climb is during one of the 2 races held each year- its ordinarily closed to bikes. Ive done the running race up Mt. Washington twice, and am doing so again in June 2010. I am a glutton for punishment, but I simply am not interested in trying to ride a bike up this thing. Running is sufficient suffering.

Mike Weinstein

Billed as the "Worlds Most Challenging Hillclimb" this is a true sufferfest. I have done the ride three times and each time was amazed at how hard it is. Not only is it relentless climbing but unlike any other climb I undetaken like this you usually have to contend with terrible weather. In fact, for those who arent aware, the highest land windspeeds ever clocked were at the top. On top of all the other challenges thrown at you, roughly 1/3 of the ride, including a 1.2 mile stretch when you are about 60% of the way into the ride is unpaved, packed dirt. The grade inb this section averages 18%. When its wet it is like riding on peanut butter. All that said, this is an experience every climber should have on their resume.


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