Tendonitis Exercises


Tendons are strong white fibrous tissues which connect the muscles and the bones and help hold them together. Tendons are located all over your body; from your head to your toes. Many times people over work the muscles in their body and as a result may cause certain tendons to become sore. For instance, acute pain in the shoulder can happen after extensive exercising or repeating the same movement over and over. There are some Tendonitis Exercises that may help prevent injury to your tendons.

If you feel a sharp or really achy pain, some tenderness and swelling, or find that you are restricted from your usual form of movement; particularly in the shoulder, neck, elbow, and around the knee area. Then you have the symptoms of tendonitis. However, these are not all the area's that you can experience pain; they are the most common places. Even with taking precautions such as doing some Tendonitis Exercises before you begin working out or doing anything that may overwork your tendons.

There are twenty-four area's on a person's body that have tendons, and each one can be prone to tendonitis. One of the area's that can be affected is the rotator cuff, located in the shoulder. The humerus top refers to the bone that composes the upper part of the arms. It acts as a stabilizer and allows a person to make a complete circular motion with their arms. A good Tendonitis Exercise for the arms and shoulder is done while standing up straight and both arms are at your side. Begin the exercise by slowly raising your right arm as high as you can, or at least until it reaches a 45 degree angle, still keeping your arm straight, then lower your arm the same way. You should continue with the same arm until it gets tired, and then do the same with your left arm, while your right arm is resting. You can do this exercise as long as you want, but 10 minutes should be sufficient. After the exercises are finished, put ice on your shoulders for approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

Most people have heard of Tennis Elbow which is another name for tendonitis in the elbow. The phrase became popular due to tennis players suffering from the inflammation and swelling in the elbows. However, tennis elbow is not restricted to tennis players. People that play other sports as well, such as carpenters, computer keyboard users, and many other professions. Soreness is not restricted to just the elbows; you may experience pain in the fingers as well as the wrists. A person may feel weakness in the lower arm and the hands. Although, you can purchase an elbow brace, Tendinitis Exercises are still very important. Exercises such as stretching and arm strengthening types are good for this type of injury. When you are lifting something position your hands so that your palms are always facing you.

Tennis Elbow can be treated at home however, if the pain has not improved after two or three weeks you should consult a physician; however, having an ex-ray will more than likely turn out to be normal, even if the injury is very severe. If you are treating the injury at home, do not try the Tendonitis Exercises until you feel that you are comfortable about doing them. If you try too soon it may cause further inflammation and stiffness. Read more about supraspinatus tendonitis here.