About CSAG

The Chiropractic Stroke Awareness Group was formed to raise public awareness about the risk of stroke and death with chiropractic cervical spinal adjustments, to find others who were injured this way and to prevent future needless suffering.

The age group primarily affected is 25 – 45 year olds.

It is has been established that it’s imperative to get emergency medical attention at the first symptoms of an impending stroke…within minutes…so a person can get treatment that will mediate the amount of damage. Stroke care has improved so much in the last decade with the advent of certified Stroke Centers in hospitals in the U.S. To lessen the devastating and sometimes fatal effects of stroke, not only more of these Stroke Centers are needed…more education of health-care providers, especially chiropractors, in recognizing the first symptoms and the critical need for immediate medical treatment.

After undergoing a cervical spinal manipulation, patients exhibiting initial stroke symptoms are dismissed by chiropractors and are assured that these symptoms are “just a reaction” to the adjustment or that, “their body is releasing toxins” as a result of the manipulation. Then these patients, exhibiting stroke symptoms, are allowed to leave the chiropractors office! To just drive away…only to have the stroke elsewhere...

CSAG has helped hundreds of victims of chiropractic stroke...to know they are not alone...to know there are others that understand the unique challenges you are facing. You do not have to feel emotionally isolated or depressed.

If you or a love one have been injured or killed after having a chiropractic cervical spinal manipulation please contact us and share your story with us. The life that you are left with since may seem overwhelming, but we have found through connecting with others we can make a positive difference in our own lives and in the lives of others.

Our voices may have been silenced by stroke, but together we can and will reclaim our lives.

Please do not call unless you have experienced a stroke after a chiropractic manipulation. This phone is answered only by members of the group who have survived a chiropractic stroke and who graciously volunteer their time to help and offer assistance to other stroke survivors.

About CSAG | How CSAG Began | TV Commercial

Contact us at: (860) 529 – 8826
Copyright Chiropractic Stroke Awareness Group, LLC