Vill varmt och starkt rekommendera denna grönsakssvarv! Så grymt bra.


I have got the measure 'cup' completely wrong! Lol.
1 cup = 2.36588237 dl ... and I thought 1 cup meant 1 dl! (1 dl = 0/4 cup)
So, all you need to do is just think 1 cup = 1 dl and 1 dl = 0/4 cup when you read my recipes! :)

Fiesta Mac 'n' Cheese

Serves: 2 cups
use a blender and a spiralizer

1 cup hemp seed (I used sesame)

1/4 cup water
1/4 cup nutritional yeast (I used 1/2 cup)
1 red bell pepper, chopped
1/2 tbsp chili powder (and a dash of hot chili flakes)
1 tbsp tamari
1 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice
1/4 tsp pink salt (Himalaya)
1/4 tsp garlic powder
(1/4 tsp onion powder)
1 krm cayenne pepper
1 krm turmeric powder
1 clove garlic

Mix all ingredients in a blender to a sauce.

2 medium zucchinis, spiralized

Pour sauce over the zucchini pasta.

Serve and enjoy!

Soft Tacos with salsa and guacamole

Equipment: Food processor and blender
Serves: 2
For the filling:
3 cups raw organic walnuts (or 2 cups cashew and 1 cup brazilnut)
1 tsp organic cumin seed powder
1 tsp organic coriander seed powder
1/3 cup nama soy
Sundried tomatoes, chopped
To make filling:
Combine the filling ingredients and mix well in food prcessor. Set aside in another bowl for now.
For the salsa:
3 cups organic tomatoes, chopped
1/2 cup chopped organic onions
1/4 cup fresh squeezed organic lemon juice
1 organic bell pepper, chopped
1 cup fresh organic cilantro, chopped with stems removed
1/4 cup organic extra virgin olive oil
3 cloves organic garlic, peeled and crushed or minced
1/2 tsp organic cumin seed powder
To make salsa:
Combine the salsa ingredients and mix well in another bowl. You can pure about 1/4-1/3 of the salsa into a blender and mix it up. Then combine it in a bowl by hand.
For the guacamole:
2 avocados
(1 small chili)
3 coctail tomatoes (or 1/2-1 medium tomato)
chopped paprika, you choose how much
1 clove garlic, grated
Herbamare to taste
fresh squeezed orange juice from 1 orange, use as much as ju like
To make guacamole:
Mash avocados in a bowl by hand. Chopp (chili), tomatoes and paprika. Add it to the avocado mash. Grate the garlic, season with Herbamare. Combine well. Add as much orange juice as you like.
For the taco shell:
Organic collard green leaves or romaine lettuce
For the topping:
1 avodaco, cubed
organic spinach, chopped
1 tomatoe, chopped
cucumber, chopped
banana works to!
Serve and enjoy!

Raw Chocolate Nutmilk (with bananas and raspberries)

On this picture I've added bananas and raspberries.
På den här bilden har jag tillsatt bananer och hallon.
You can do half of the nutmilk without chokolate flavor if you want. You can follow the recipe on "Cashew and Almond milk" (I only used cashew and added like a cup more nuts or so). Save the leftover nuts from straining the nutmilk and then just follow the recipe below.
Equipment: Blender, strainer
Serves: about 5-10 cups
3 cups organic cashew (rins, and soaked 8-12 hours)
5 cups water
6-8 pitted dates, or about 4-5 medjool dates
3 tbsp raw organic Cacao powder
1 tsp raw organic Mesquite powder (you can omit this if you dont have it)
~1 tsp organic vanilla powder
Rins and drain your soaked nuts. Fill blender with 5 cups water. Add nuts, dates, cacao, mesquite and vanilla and mix all. Pour the mixture through a strainer into a bowl or mason jar. Set leftovers aside and put it back in your blender, add about the same amount of water as before, add some of the ingredients you used and blend again, pour the mixture through the strainer and repeat this steps until you dont got any nutmet left. Serve immediately or store in fridge in a mason jar, use within 2 days!
You can also do like in the picture. Add about 2 organic bananas and about 1 cup frozen raspberries to 5 cups Raw Chocolat Milk. Serve immediately and enjoy!
Du kan göra halva nötmjölken utan chokladsmak om du vill. Följ receptet "Cashew and Almond milk" (jag använde bara cashewnötter och tillsatte en extra dl. Spara nötterna som blir över då du silat nötmjölken (blir typ en gegga), sen följer du bara receptet nedan (då använder du ditt nötgegg istället för nötterna.)
Redskap: Blender, trådsil
Serverar: ca 5-10 dl
3 dl ekologiska cashewnötter (sköljda och blötlagda i 8-12h, eller över natten)
5 dl kallt vatten
6-8 urkärnade dadlar, eller ca 4-5 st medjool dadlar, urkärnade
3 msk raw ekologiskt Kakao pulver
1 tsk raw ekologiskt Masquite pulver (du kan hoppa över detta om du inte har det. Mesquite ger en kola aktig smak och är rik på bland annat protein och kalcium!)
ca 1 tsk ekologiskt äkta vaniljpulver
Skölj av nötterna du blötlagt. Fyll upp blendern med 5 dl kallt vatten. Tillsätt nötter, dadlar, kakao, mesquite och vanilj, mixa ihop allt. Häll över till en skål eller i en mason-burk (stor glasburk med lock) genom en trådsil. Du kan använda "nötgegget" som blir över att göra mer nötmjölk, du lägger i det i blendern igen, tillsätt mellan 3-5 dl kallt vatten, några fler dadlar, mer kakao om det behövs och mixa ihop de. Häll genom trådsilen igen och du kan upprepa denna process tills du får slut på nötgeggan. Servera direkt eller förvara i kylen i glasflaska med kork eller en mason-burk (stor glasburk med lock) i upp till 2 dagar.
Du kan även lyxa till det ännu en smula och göra som jag gjort på bilden. Jag tillsatte ca 2 ekologiska bananer och ca 1 dl frysta hallon till 5 dl nötmjölk med chokladsmak. Servera direkt och njut!

Chocolate and black currant dream by Me and Angelina Hjelm

Chocolate crust

Black currant mousse

Decorated with black currants and Agastache foeniculum

Equipment: Food processor fitted with a "S-blade"
Serves: One regular big pie plate
Chocolate crust:
300 g raw organic almond
15-20 dates, pitted
3-4 tbsp raw organic cacao powder
1 tsp organic cinnamon
1 tsp organic vanilla powder
1-2 ml Himalaya
Black currant mousse:
200 g raw organic cashew
4 cups black currant (or other berries of choice)
organic vanilla powder to taste
To make crust: Grind almonds in food processor. Add cacao, cinnamon and vanilla. Add one date at a time while food processor is working the dough. Add himalaya to taste. Press out the dough on a pie plate. Chill in freezer while making black currant mousse.
To make mousse: Grind cashew until they reach a floury texture. Add vanilla and black currants or berries of you choice. To make the mousse more richer, add more berries by hand and just stir them. Pour out mousse ontop of pie crust. Chill in fridge for a while befor serving. Enjoy!
⋮ We served this to about 50 people at the harvest festival at Sinnenas Ateljé and it became a huge success! You can also decorate with peeled and crushed raw organic cacao beans or raw organic cacao nibs. One of the angels at our work tried this at home and she used raspberries instead and omit the black currants, and adding more organic vanilla powder.
Update (28/09/12): I made this yesterday at home with organic raspberries and local organic blueberries, decorated with peeled and crushed raw organic cacao beans. You can only imagine the result.. Amazing!
Redskap: Matberedare med ett "S-blad"
Serverar: En vanlig stor pajform
Choklad botten:
300 g råa ekologiska mandlar
15-20 dadlar, urkärnade
3-4 msk rå ekologiskt kakao pulver
1 tsk ekologisk kanel
1 tsk ekologiskt äkta vaniljpulver
1-2 krm Himalaya salt
Svartvinbärs mousse:
200 g råa ekologiska cashewnötter
4 dl svartvinbär (eller vanfria bär)
Smaka av med ekologiskt äkta vaniljpulver
Att göra botten: Mixa mandlarna i matberedaren. Lägg till kakao, kanel och äkta vaniljpulver, mixa ihop. Lägg sedan till en urkärnad dadel i taget medans matberedaren är igång. Smaka av med Himalaya salt. Pressa ut pajdegen i pajformen och ställ i frysen medans du gör moussen. (Fungerar även bra att förvara pajskalet i frysen om du inte vill göra moussen samma dag).
Att göra mousse: Mixa cashewnötter till ett fint mjöl. Lägg till äkta vaniljpulver och bär. Mixa ihop allt till en krämig mousse. För att få moussen mer rik, lägg till ca 1/2 dl hela bär som du vänder ner för hand med en slev. Smeta ut moussen över pajbotten. Dekorera med vad du vill, vi använde hela svartvinbär och anisisop. Men det fungerar lika bra med annan topping så som skalade och krossade råa ekologiska kakao bönor eller råa ekologiska kakao nibs. Låt stå i kylen ett tag innan servering. Njut!

Till mina svenska raw food fantaster

Jag har fått förfrågningar om att även skriva recepten på svenska här i bloggen då det kan vara jobbigt för vissa att behöva översätta. Jag har inte gjort det innan för att jag har mer än dubbelt så många från andra länder som följer min blogg. Men jag är verkligen inte omöjlig, så att jag kommer att skriva recepten på svenska så fort jag får en stund över.
Jag hoppas att ni finner min blogg inspirerande och lärorik. Skriv snälla om det är någonting ni vill veta om raw food eller om ni vill att jag testar laga någon slags rätt eller bakverk.
⋮ Dandelion

Oh sweet heaven of raw foods!

Angelina send me this link today to a girl who also eats raw food and she dont use any nuts. Amazing! Check her blog out here! I'm feeling so inspired!

I have great news!

All of you who follow my blog knows that it hasn't been possible to comment on. I thought it was such a pity that it did'nt work, so today I had enough! I finally fixed it, and I'm so happy about it! Now I have a fully functional blog. Please feel free to write whatever you like to me, ask me questions, give me feedback and constructive criticism! Make up for lost time ;)
⋮ Bless! /Dandelion

Chia Pudding

 In the picture above, I added raspberries.

You need to make "Cashew and Almond Milk" fist, just follow the recipe (you can omit mesquite if you dont have it) and then follow the remaining steps below:
4-5 tbsp chia seed
1 ripe mango
Cashew and Almond Milk
1 tsp organic cinnamon
1-2 ml organic cardamom
Add chia, cinnamon and cardamom to the nutmilk and mix together with a spoon. Put in fridge for about 1/2-1 hour. Peel, pit and cut mango into smaller cubes. Add mango to the chia pudding and voilá!
⋮ I love this! I know it looks a little bit like.... yeah something weird. But if you try you'll see that it is definitely not weird. It is delicious!
Du behöver först föja receptet på "Cashew and Almond Milk". Hoppa över mesquite om du inte har tillgång till de (de ger en kola aktig smak och är rik på bland annat protein och kalcium!).
4-5 msk chiafrön
1 mogen mango
Nötmjölk (från receptet Cashew and Almond Milk)
1 tsk ekologisk kanel
1-2 krm ekologisk kardemumma
Blanda ner chiafrön, kanel och kardemumma i nötmjölken, rör om med en sked. Ställ in i kylen i ca 1/2-1h. Skala, kärna ur och skär mangon i mindre kuber. Tillsätt mangon till chiapuddingen, servera och njut! Du kan även förvara den i kylen men är godast att äta upp samma dag.

Raw Tzatziki

Equipment: Blender
Serves: 4
Cashew cream:
3 cups raw organic cashew
1 fresh squeezed lemon
1 cucumber
1/2 tsk himalaya
1-2 cloves organic garlic
black pepper
cashew cream
Start with the cucumber: Peel, pit and shredd cucumber. Add himalaya and set aside for 15 minutes in a strainer.
Make cashew cream meanwhile. Squeeze 1 lemon and pour juice into blender. Add cashew and blend. Add water to get a smooth and creamy consistency. Optional: You kan add a little pinch of himalaya. Pour over cashew cream into a bowl and add grated garlic. Thoroughly squeeze the cucumber and add to cashew cream. Add black pepper to taste. Chill in fridge a while befor serving. Bon appetite!
⋮ I made this tzatziki a couple days back. It is really amazing to eat with raw falafel!

Dandelions Chocolate Heaven (Rawtella)

Equipment: Food processor
Serves: uhm... depends on how much of the dough you eat before serving ;)
1 cup raw organic almonds (soaked 8-12 hours)
1 1/3 cups raw organic almonds (unsoaked)
1-1 1/2 hand full raw organic cacao beans (peeled)
4 tbsp raw organic cacao powder
3 1/2 tbsp raw organic yacon syrup
1 tbsp raw organic carob powder
2 tsp raw organic mesquite powder
1 tsp organic vanilla powder
Mix all ingredients in a food processor into a delicious dough. Store in glass jar with lid in fridge. Serve and enjoy!
⋮ This is pure heaven of chocolate! I love love love it!

Raw Sushi with Romanesco Broccoli "Rice"

Equipment: Food processor
Serves: 5 1/2 nori sheets
1 whole romanesco broccoli
1 1/2 organic carrots
3 cups raw organic walnuts
3 cloves organic garlic
2 scallions
1-2 fresh squeezed organic lime
Soy and Himalaya to taste
- Mix all in food processor. Pour over mixture into another bowl and set aside meanwhile you grind:
3 1/2 cups raw organic cashews
3 tbsp organic tahini
in food processor. Pour over mixture into the bowl with romanesco and mix together by hand.
Use whatever vegetables and fruits you like.
I used: 2 ripe avocados, 1/4 yellow pepper, 1/3 mango and 1/2 cucumber and granish with cashews.
To this I served: wasabi, soy and my own raw gari!

Dandelions Raw Lime and Coconut Tart (Cheesecake)

Equipment: Food processor and blender
Crust: (serves: 20 small tarts)
5 cups raw organic cashew
2 tbsp raw organic cacao powder
2 tbsp raw organic carob powder
1 tsp raw organic maca powder
1 tsp raw organic mesquite powder
15 small dates, pitted
7 dried organic figs
pinch of Himalaya
Mix nuts with all powders in food processor. Add one date at a time and do the same with figs. Add Himalaya to taste. Press out crust into small serving cups or whatever you choose, you can also make one (or maybe two) big tars. Chill in fridge.
Lime and coconut layer: ( you might need to double the following ingredients on the layer to cover all tarts)
3 organic fresh squeezed lime
1 organic fresh squeezed lemon
1 tbsp chia seed
- Mix lime, lemon and chia in a bowl by hand and set aside.
1 cup raw organic coconut oil
1/2 tsp organic vanilla powder
1 tsp raw organic mesquite powder
- Make coconut oil liquid. Add vanilla and mesquite. Pour into blender and the same with lime, lemon and chia.
Add following ingredients:
1 cup raw organic cashew
1 ripe avocado, pitted and peeled
1/2 cup organic shredded coconut
- Mix all together. Pour over the mixture onto crust.
Peel and crush some raw organic cacao beans and sprinkle over tarts and sprinkel organic shredded coconut over tars. Chill in freezer for a while before serving.
Sore in freezer. (If you have had them in you freezer more than 2 days, you might to defrost them a bit before serving, would not take long.)
⋮ These tarts or cheesecake is truly delicious! You can change the taste on lime and coconut layer just by replacing lime, lemon to oragne and some berries maybe? and ship the avocado, use other nuts than cashew and so on. You can easy find another delicious second layer. Enjoy!

Raw Falafel

Equipment: Food Processor and dehydrator
Serves: 9 falafel
1/2 organic yellow onion
1 organic carrot
3 tbsp organic sunflower seed (soaked 8-12 hours)
4 organic sundried tomatos
1 tbs cumin
3 tbsp organic tahini
1 clove organic garlic
Mix sunflower seed, carrot, sundried tomatos and garlic in food processor. Add tahini and cumin. Grate yellow onion and mix into the mixture. Shape into balls or "flat" balls (as in the picture). Dehydrate (or oven) until it reach desired consistency. (I had my falafels in for 10 hours).
⋮ I know falafel's not that salt at all. But I think they got to unsalt, so if you whant to; you can add a pinch of himalaya to taste. I will serve these with purple cauliflower couscous and tomato basil sauce!
Update: I made a raw tzatziki yesterday to my falafel and it was so delicious! I will post the recipe on my tzatziki soon. Keep an eye out!

Raw Food by Dandelion


Dandelion 'Dandy' Sundberg

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