Sunday, May 19, 2013

Farewell, The Arrangement by H.M. Ward

This is a conversation between "The Arrangement" roller coaster operator and me. This isn't exactly a review. It's my way of saying goodbye to this series.

Me: Whoa! That ride was exactly the same as my last ride.

Operator: Hhhm... Maybe you are riding it wrong.

Me: Nope. I'm pretty sure there's no alternative way of riding "The Arrangement" roller coaster. I think I'm getting off.

Operator: But, but. Wait! Maybe just one more ride?

Me: Sorry, but I only got one ticket left. I think I'm going to spend it on a friendlier ride.

Operator: But think about how much fun you had riding "The Arrangement".

Me: Yeah, I remember that the fun lasted for a few minutes and then you left me hanging upside down for weeks! I could have died!


Me: So, I gotta go. See ya. Or maybe not.

Operator: You are making a big mistake! The best is yet to come.

Me: You told me that 5 rides ago.

Operator: You won't ever know then. You are getting off. Remember? Everybody else will have fun without you.

Me: Listen, I've done this before. I didn't finish riding the "50 Shades of crazy" ride. And I'm fine. I'm a rebel. I will be ok. *walks towards the sunset singing I will survive*

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