What conditions can be confused with acne?

Certain conditions may resemble acne and sometimes be confused with it.
Rosacea: it affects adults and causes red pimples and identical to those observed in acne white heads, but it is accompanied by redness (rosacea, reddening) and sometimes hot flashes. Rosacea can be accompanied by ocular and complicated by a thickening of the skin of the nose (rhinophyma).

Folliculitis: they form multiple red pimples and white heads that are the result of a superficial infection of the opening of the hair. There are several varieties. Some predominate at the periphery of the mouth (perioral dermatitis), they may be secondary to the application of cortisone cream or spread of a pest (démodécidose). Contamination of seed during shaving sometimes causes bacterial folliculitis (staphylococci). The use of antibiotics in the long term can lead to folliculitis trunk (Gram-negative folliculitis) whose treatment is difficult. The proliferation of fungi can also cause folliculitis, it may be generally responsible for Malassezia furfur tinea versicolor or rarely Candida albicans.

Pseudo-folliculitis of the beard are common in people with colored skin. they result in red bumps around ingrown beard.

Elastolysis to cysts and comedones (Favre and Racouchaud disease): This condition affects adults who have been exposed to too much light and the sun, it is in the form of microcysts and blackheads around the eyes. The skin is thick and yellowish and has deep wrinkles.

Hidrosanédite (Verneuil's disease): chronic and debilitating condition that causes red, painful nodules in the groin, armpits and under the buttocks.

Other conditions rarely asking a diagnostic problem with acne: milia, flat warts, tuberous sclerosis, lupus erythematosus, Behcet's disease, sarcoidosis, syphilis.