What Makes Acne Scars Worse?

When a big button that plagued him for days, finally disappeared, the first answer would be a big sigh of relief. But what about the marks left by this point? Most of us have experienced this - frowning and worrying these unsightly marks acne! Well the good news is that there are many remedies acne scars, but you should follow some precautions if you have to work. In other words, you should avoid things that can aggravate acne scars.

An acne scar is usually left cystic defect. This surface can be shaped or car, or ice pick shaped the most severe form. If you have a deep complexion, dark scar hyperpigmentation. On the other hand, if you have lighter skin, the scar is red.

The most important thing to avoid is picking, popping or squeezing your pimples. Yes, acne can leave scars, but you do not touch it, but this scar heals quickly and usually go away quickly, except for severe cystic acne that requires more attention. But always cause scarring interference. A scar is mainly collagen, natural protein fiber skin and scarring is how to repair damaged tissues in the body. Although the choice of an edge grain to severe scarring, collects a scar will intensify inflammation and skin damage.

Sun exposure can also aggravate acne. The sun's ultraviolet rays can cause pigment-producing cells called melanocytes in your skin and affect the color of the scar. It is advisable to use a sunscreen when you go out. If you will be out for hours, apply sunscreen every two hours.

The use of vitamin E is another concern. This vitamin actually promotes the regeneration of skin cells so that your scars will heal faster. As a matter of fact, many acne supplements and vitamins are known for their effectiveness in removing acne. But in the case of vitamin E, excessive use may result in contact dermatitis. Before taking vitamin E orally, it is good to consult your doctor, since high doses of this vitamin is known to have harmful effects. You should also avoid medications that are specifically allergic to.

Finally, inadequate cleaning routine can aggravate their scars. Imagine new buds come in a healing scar - the scar is likely to worsen. Be sure to clean your face at least twice a day with a cleanser suitable for your skin to keep pores free from dirt and oil buildup.

Well, once you are aware of the precautions listed above, it is easy to find a method for treating scars. Natural methods such as using lemon juice or olive oil can work for you. Or, try over-the-counter exfoliating creams and solutions. Make sure these products do not contain chemicals, and follow the instructions properly. Deep scars may require expert intervention for procedures such as chemical peels, dermabrasion or.