2010: Project Owner and Business Management Mentor, StartSouth Project: Survey and Feasibility Study regarding certified resin-based (Commiphora sp. and Boswellia Papyrifera) essential oil production in Ethiopia.

2010: FARMA-Project: Survey and fesability study concerning Aromatic and Medicinal Plant/Essential Oil Production in Bosnia-Herzegovia (BiH).

2009: Mid-Sweden University: Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Resources Development and Transfer of Technology including business-to business strategies and demand-driven transfer of technology (North – South linkages)

2008: Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). Senior institutional/programme evaluation expert. Evaluation of the Programme, SwedBio (, financed by SIDA, during the 2003-2007 period. The programme aims to support the twin benefits of biodiversity/ecosystem services and poverty alleviation, mainly through institutional/policy support to international/regional NGOs. The evaluation work included reviews of past performance and recommendations/pointers to the future, including interactions with stakeholders at ministerial levels, field-implementing agencies, and visits to programme implementation works in Kenya, Philippines, and Vietnam (including structured interviews with stakeholder representatives).

2004-2007: Watershed research initiative: Risk assessment methodologies adapted to vulnerable headwater areas in Xishuangbanna Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China. Development of integrated risk assessment methodologies based on analogue, descriptive and GIS data in reference to the Luishahe headwater area. In partnership with the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB), Kunming, local watershed institutions, and the Dept. pf Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm Univeristy (on-going research activity). Vegetation cover – time assessments based on Landsat Imagery geostatistical analysis using GRASS open-source GIS software conducted in Nov.-Dec., 2007.

2004: Contractor: ARD Inc., USA. Funding Agency: ADB. Position: Farming Systems Expert in reference to the ADB PPTA 3818-VIE project: Forestry Livelihood Improvement in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, including five provinces and 137 target communes. Farming system analysis with particular focus on (1) identification of sustainable economic development avenues and trade opportunities (agriculture, agroforestry, NTFP), (2) specifities of resource management systems among ethnic minority people in upland communities, (3) identification of key mechanisms to effectively bridge between macro- and micro-level planning procedures, and (4) conditional links between land allocation procedures and bankable project interventions.

Detailed inputs for a multi-sectoral basin-wide planning project covering basin areas of Lao PDR, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam within the fields of agriculture/irrigation, watershed management, deforestation, land degradation, flood control and river bank protection, environment/ecological policy and legislation, and climate change. The analysis also considered the importance of impacts at different spatial and temporal scales within the Lower Mekong River Basin. The work included structured interviews with more than 60 stakeholders, line-agencies, national institutions, universities, etc., throughout the Lower Mekong River Basin.

2002: Contractor: Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI)-MRCS. Funding agency: Government of Netherlands. Position: Expertise in land management and trans-boundary flood management institutional development in relation to the approved Flood Management and Mitigation Program (FMM-SIP) by the MRC Council (2001) in the Lower Mekong River Basin Identification and component description of the essential roles of land management, including agroforestry systems at the landscape level, and trans-boundary flood management institutional and mediation development integrated into flood management strategies for the Lower Mekong River Basin. Work included participation at national consultation and workshops in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam in August-September, 2002. The Flood Management Programme (FMP) proposal was approved by MRCs Board of Directors in late 2002, including donor agreements on financial support.

  1. Technical consultancy related to upland soil and water conservation, on-farm/on-station research methodologies, upland agriculture land use, client-oriented erosion research designs, etc. in partnership with the Forest Research Center (FRC), Phu Ninh, Vietnam (including agroforestry, erosion plot and monitoring designs, data collection, biostatistics, etc.). The work included training in physical and biological erosion control principles, land degradation and economy, agroforestry designs, etc. Contributions as lecturer/trainer at the Agroforestry Seminar, FRC, 1990;
  2. Editor-in-Chief of a training manual in land-use planning, agroforestry, soil and water conservation, and social forestry related to the Forestry Development Area (covering the five northernmost provinces of Vietnam). The work was done in partnership with the Forest Research Center, Phu Ninh, Vietnam;
  3. Base-line study related to the adaption and set-up of an environmental monitoring system covering the five northernmost provinces in Vietnam (including agro-ecological zones, degraded watersheds, upland agriculture, adaptive environmental impact assessment methodologies, buffer zones, forest reserves and national parks). The work included training seminars in partnership with the Forest Research Center, Phu Ninh, Vietnam, and local stakeholders.

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